If you are using Magestore giftvoucher and using by email options then it will hide shipping address option and also consider it as virtual product.
so if you want to save shipping address same as billing address then do follow these simple steps.
1) Edit app/code/local/Magestore/Giftvoucher/Model/Observer.php file
go to
so if you want to save shipping address same as billing address then do follow these simple steps.
1) Edit app/code/local/Magestore/Giftvoucher/Model/Observer.php file
go to
orderPlaceBefore function
add these lines
$order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
$billing_address = $order->getBillingAddress();
$shippingAddress = Mage::getModel('sales/order_address')
If you want more data to save then you can add more fields in above code depends on your requirement.
By adding above code shipping address will be saved same as shipping address.
Now if you want to display shipping address in backend order view page.
then open app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order/view/info.phtml and at the end
of the code you will find
<?php if (!$this->getOrder()->getIsVirtual()): ?>
you need to remove comment from here or also add condition for giftcard to display shipping address.
Enjoy and Good luck Friends.. :)
Reference link:
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